Academic Alert

This status occurs as a warning to new students during their first 18 college credits. A student will be placed on Academic Alert if their grade point average (GPA) is below 1.5 while attempting up to their first 12 credits and 1.75 while attempting between 13 and 18 credits. This signifies that a student must raise their GPA to avoid being placed on  Academic Probation once they have exceeded the 18 credit warning period. It is time to work harder and to get help.

academic calendar

Available on the college website, this official calendar indicates course start and finish dates, final examination periods, deadlines for course registration, withdrawal, and financial aid, and other important dates.

academic credit limit

A College policy limiting the number of credits that students can take in the fall and spring semesters.

The policy for students who are not on academic probation is:

1)The maximum course load for students who have not demonstrated proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics is 15 credits. No exceptions to this maximum are permitted.
2)The maximum course load for students who have demonstrated proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics is 18 credits. Exceptions to this policy will require a written approval from the dean and chairperson of the program in which the student is enrolled. SEEK students require similar approval from the director of SEEK.

Students will not be considered for “excess credits” unless they are enrolled in a program which requires more than 18 credits a term or have completed 15 credits and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

Students who register for more than 18 credits in a semester will be required to pay an “accelerated study” fee.

Academic Dismissal

If a student fails to meet the college's academic standards following a semester on Academic Probation, they are dismissed and can no longer attend the college in a degree-granting program. Dismissed students may appeal to the Committee on Course and Standards for readmission. The appeal process allows students to explain why they could not meet the college's academic standards and why those circumstances would no longer be obstacles to progress.

academic integrity

The responsibility for students to respect the work of an academic institution by avoiding intended and unintended plagiarism, cheating, and other types of academic fraud. For a detailed definition and an explanation of the consequences of violations of this standard, see the City Tech
Policy on Academic Integrity

Academic Probation

This status indicates that a student is not meeting the college's minimum GPA standard and has one semester to improve their grades. If a student on probation earns less than a 2.25 GPA (approximately a C+ average) for the semester, that student will be dismissed from the college. Students placed on Academic Probation may not be eligible for financial aid. Students on Academic Probation are urged to seek help from an academic advisor, the Counseling Center, and/or the Student Success Center.

academic standards

The College’s minimum cumulative GPA standard depends on the number of credits attempted as follows: 0-12 credits, 1.5; 12.5-24 credits, 1.75; 24.5 or above, 2.0.

activity fees

In addition to tuition, these fees are included in students’ expenses. Activity fees support student government, clubs, and NYPIRG's activities on campus.

admissions criteria

The academic standards or experience required to enter an academic institution or a specific department.


The period when continuing students are advised by their department on matters concerning their upcoming web-based registration for courses on CUNYfirst.


Academic advisors assist students with degree programs and planning and are found in each department as well as in the STAR Center and through individual programs such as SEEK and ASAP.


A person who has attended or received a degree from an academic institution; alumnus (singular masc.); alumna (feminine); alumni (plural, combined); or alumnae (plural of feminine); informally, the term “alum” may be used.


A procedure that allows students to apply for a re-evaluation of their academic circumstances. Consult the College Catalog.

Associate Degree

This is considered a two-year degree and generally requires a minimum of 60 credits, although some majors require more. Three Associate Degrees are offered at City Tech: the Associate in Arts (AA), the Associate in Science (AS), and the Associate in Applied Science (AAS). Consult the College Catalog for the requirements for each degree.

attempted credits

The number of credit hours for which a student enrolls each semester. All credits for courses in which a student is officially registered after the Program Change Period shall be considered attempted credits.

Bachelor's Degree

Also called a baccalaureate degree, this is considered a four-year degree and requires a minimum of 120 credits, although some majors require more. Four baccalaureate degrees are offered at City Tech: the Bachelor of Science (BS), the Bachelor of Science in Education (BS in Ed), the Bachelor of Technology (BTech), and the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA). City Tech students are also eligible to participate in the CUNY BA program, a multidisciplinary program that allows the student to take advantage of offerings at several CUNY campuses. Consult the College Catalog for the requirements for each degree.


A notation on a student’s record or transcript that prevents the student from registering for classes. A block may be imposed due to non-payment of tuition, fines, or fees; lack of immunization; low GPA; or other situations. Also called a “hold” or “impound” when dealing with financial matters.


The Office of the Bursar collects all tuition and fee payments. The Bursar accepts in-person payments made by cash, check, or money order. Students can also make payments online by debit and credit card or electronic check through CUNYfirst.


The College Catalog contains detailed information about courses, degree programs, and departmental requirements for every major, and all policies that affect students throughout their academic years.


Activities that are outside of the curriculum, or outside of the classroom, but complement class learning.


A course which must be taken at the same time as another course in the same department, for example, a laboratory course taken with a lecture course.


Units earned for successfully completing a course. Most courses have a value between 2-4 credits. The number of credits that appear on a transcript may be different from the number of hours spent in class.

cumulative grade point average (CUM GPA)

The grade point average (CUM GPA) from the time of the student’s admission into the College to the present.

Dean's List

An academic honor awarded to matriculating students who have a grade point average of 3.6 or higher with no failures, incompletes, R’s, WU’s, or WN’s. Also called the Dean's Honor List.


An organizational unit within each School in the College that is devoted to a particular academic discipline. Each department has its own designated office on campus.


Electives are courses that count toward your credits for graduation, but are not requirements for your particular degree of study. Some degree programs include requirements for how electives should be chosen.


Non-academic activities that are offered at the College for students’ development and enjoyment. These include clubs, research programs, leadership activities, and events; literally: “outside of curriculum” or outside of classes.

financial aid

Scholarships, grants, and loans available for students based on need and/or merit. TAP, Pell, and Excelsior are among programs offering assistance.

full-time student

Student status for those taking 12 to 18 credits during a single semester.

GED (General Educational Development)

Alternative certification to the U.S. high school diploma.

General Education (Gen Ed)

These are academic requirements that apply to all students, regardless of major, and are intended to provide a sound educational foundation. Gen Ed requirements include specific classes, categories of classes, and overall credit requirements.

good academic standing

A status that indicates a student has a Grade Point Average of 2.0 or higher and no Blocks on their record.

grade point average (GPA)

Average of grades from all courses taken at City Tech, expressed on a 4 point scale. Students will receive a GPA for each semester. See also Cumulative GPA (CUM GPA).


See Impounds; Block


May refer to participation in the Honors Scholars Program or to a recognized achievement such as placement on the Dean’s List.


See credits.


Debts owed to the College by students. All impounds (financial, library, etc.) must be cleared before registration. Students who have impounds will not be permitted to register or receive final grades or transcripts. See also: blocks


A specific area of study in which a student chooses to specialize.


A matriculated student is one who has registered for courses and designated activities that are recognized as contributing toward fulfilling requirements for a degree.

part-time student

A student taking fewer than 12 credits in a single semester.


A CUNY system of general education requirements and transfer guidelines for students in CUNY undergraduate colleges. Every student must complete these requirements to earn an Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), or any Bachelor’s degree from CUNY.


A course that is required and must be passed before taking a more advanced course.


The City University of New York (CUNY) requires all students to demonstrate proficiency in English (reading and writing) and math in order to enroll in credit-bearing courses in the associated subject. Students may establish proficiency in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to meeting benchmark scores on the SAT, ACT, and New York State Regents exams.

Program Change

During the Program Change period, students can add a course, drop a course, or change a course section, without the dropped course or section appearing on their transcript. All courses or credits for which students are officially registered after the Program Change period are considered attempted credits.


See transcript.


The official process of enrolling in courses at the College. Registration is available on-line on CUNYfirst beginning in November for the spring semester and April for the summer and fall semesters.


A payment, either one-time or at a fixed interval (generally once per semester or once per year), especially a scholarship or fellowship allowance granted to a student.


A document provided by the instructor of every course stating the learning objectives, homework assignments, grading procedures, and other information.

TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion)

A test offered to earn a High School Equivalency Diploma for high school students who did not graduate with their class.

time management

A plan for balancing college responsibilities with necessary daily activities. Go to Counseling Services for time management workshops.


An official record of all courses and credits a student attempted and the grades earned while attending college.

WA Grade (Withdrawal Administrative)

Failure to provide the required immunization documents will result in a student being dropped from all classes, receipt of a "WA" grade for all classes and the possible loss of financial aid award. To avoid this situation, upload the required immunization documents before the start of the first semester.


The grade “W” is assigned when a student officially withdraws from a class after the end of the Program Change period but before the withdrawal deadline. The course and grade of W will appear on the student’s transcript, but the GPA will not be affected. However, the student will remain responsible for paying the tuition for the class.

withdrawal deadline

Date specified each semester on the college’s official Academic Calendar as the deadline to withdraw from classes.

WN Grade (Unofficial Withdrawal, Never Attended)

The grade “WN” is assigned if a student registered for a class but never attended. The course and grade will not appear on the transcript, but the student must still pay 100% of the tuition for the class. To avoid this situation, drop the course during the Program Change period.

WU Grade (Unofficial Withdrawal)

The grade “WU” is assigned if a student attended a class at least once but stopped attending or didn’t complete course requirements. The student’s GPA will not be affected, but an official withdrawal reflects poorly on a student. To avoid this situation, complete the process of official withdrawal.


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