
Welcome to City Tech!

For a college student, success means making the most of City Tech’s opportunities, from enrollment all the way to graduation. The Companion for the First Year at City Tech is designed to help you navigate your new path, understand the rules of the university system, and find your own place in City Tech’s vibrant college community.

City Tech (formally, New York City College of Technology) is one of 25 colleges of the City University of New York, known as CUNY. CUNY has an impressive reputation and rich history. Originally founded in 1847 with 143 students as a public academy of higher learning meant to “educate the whole people,” CUNY now enrolls over 243,000 undergraduate and graduate students. CUNY campuses located in all five boroughs strive to promote academic excellence, scholarship, and opportunity for all through a high-quality, competitive, and remarkably affordable college education. CUNY is world-famous for its award-winning faculty, motivated students, and alumni who have established successful and acclaimed careers. By enrolling at City Tech, you also become a member of this larger CUNY community and have access to many university-wide opportunities and benefits, including library resources at all campuses, events, cross-campus collaborations, and research opportunities. To learn more about CUNY and its history, visit: https://www2.cuny.edu/about/history/

City Tech is the only college of technology in the CUNY system. You can read about our history here: https://www.citytech.cuny.edu/about-us/history.aspx

As of Spring 2023, City Tech offered 31 Bachelor’s degrees and 27 Associate degrees, as well as 11 academic minors that enable students to pursue a second area of specialization. These degrees are offered by 28 departments in three Schools:

As a college in the CUNY system, City Tech is governed by policies determined at the University level as well as rules specific to our own campus. These rules and regulations directly affect you and the process of how you will obtain your degree. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these rules, and The Companion will help you do so.

Entering City Tech means that you have at least one thing in common with the more than 13,000 people who make up our student body–you are serious about your educational and career plans. In other ways, City Tech students are an incredibly diverse group: 46% were born outside of the United States, hailing from 133 different countries; incoming students include recent high school graduates, students transferring from another college, adults coming back to college to further their education, and veterans returning from service to our country; and a wide range of racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities are proudly represented.

Within this diversity there is room for everyone to achieve their goals, form meaningful connections with fellow students, professors, and staff, and work together. Interacting with this vibrant and exciting community, you are encouraged to explore, reach beyond your comfort zone, and discover that City Tech holds a place just for you among its remarkable student body and various paths of study.

Again, welcome! We look forward to your unique contributions to the City Tech community!

A.E. Dreyfuss, Lauri Aguirre, Jennifer Sears, and Denell Downum

Spring 2023


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The Companion for the First Year at City Tech Copyright © by Office of First Year Programs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.