

Reflection is a key component of learning. Consider, at the end of every class:

  • Write down what you just learned. This is not a repeat of the notes you took during the class, but perhaps three sentences reflecting on the most important ideas discussed in that class.
  • This activity, immediate reflection on something that just happened, will be very useful for you in the workplace. What was said at that meeting? What was your sense of the dynamics of who spoke and why?
  • This practice – no matter what your major – is important because it helps you become a producer of knowledge, not a passive receiver. You are creating the meaning of what you just experienced, sitting in that classroom, partaking in the processes of learning.
  • How are you producing knowledge? You wrote some notes about what was presented, and on second thought, you found that something triggered a question. Write that question down – you may look at it again while studying, and you may bring it up in the next class meeting, or you may wish to make it the basis of a written product for this or another course. See, you are now reflecting and are becoming a learner, a seeker of knowledge.

Reflection is not always accomplished through writing. You may choose to record your thoughts by voice, videotaping, drawing, photographing. You may also find that what works best for you is discussing your ideas with others.

Exercise 3.2: What Do You Think?

Take a moment to pause and reflect:

Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at City Tech:

“Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.”

Choose a question below and write your thoughts:

  • What challenges have limited your success as a student in the past? How might you make a new start here at City Tech and work to overcome those challenges?
  • What opportunities have you had in college so far that have allowed you to connect with others, lift your spirit, or enrich your life? How might you seek out and take advantage of more opportunities?
  • What skills and knowledge do you think will be most valuable to acquire in college? Thinking back on the learning strategies presented in this chapter, describe how two or three specific strategies might help you gain the skills and knowledge you seek.

Click to download a fillable document: Exercise 3.2: What Do You Think?



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