
Reader’s Guide – Navigating this eReader

How are Parts of the eReader organized and what are some of the key features?

Each Part of this eReader begins with an introduction that highlights the themes and deeper undercurrents discussed in each chapter.
Each chapter contains many features designed to help you learn. A prominent box is positioned on the top of each chapter and lists issues and topics covered in the reading.

Issues/topics covered in this chapter

  • The nation in the aftermath of Reconstruction
  • Identify specific problems that may have emerged as a result of Reconstruction policy in its many and varied permutations.
  • Identify how these policies may have affected attitudes in the country and, subsequently, how these attitudes helped or hindered politics upon the conclusion of the Reconstruction era.

At the conclusion of each chapter a prominent box is positioned that lists review questions. The review questions will help you confirm your understanding of the material.

Review Questions:

  1. Did Reconstruction extend or undermine democracy in the United States?
  2. Why did Black Codes and Jim Crow exist?
  3. How did local and regional differences affect the ways in which Reconstruction was implemented?
  4. What did the Reconstruction era mean from economic and labor rights?

Before you start to read a chapter’s content, spend a few minutes previewing these features to gain clues about the main concepts of the chapter.

Other features included in a chapter are:

  • Section titles, headings, and subtitles that organize the content.
  • A Supreme Court Case summary that briefly summarizes the facts of the case. Facts are the “who, when, what, where, and why” of the case.
  • An interactive timeline used to highlight important historical events, figures, and dates associated with the chapter’s focus.
  • Illustrations, graphs, charts and videos that provide visual representations of concepts and facts.
  • A glossary listing alphabetically technical terms used in the chapter. The purpose of a glossary is to aid the reader in understanding terms that directly relate to the subject matter. Glossary terms are underlined in the text and display the term definition when clicked.
  • Bold words are used to emphasize their importance or signal a new word. Increasing your understanding of new words will help you better process the chapter’s information.
  • Hyperlinks may be placed in the text of chapters to provide access to other sources of information.
  • Attribution text boxes are typically located on the bottom of pages and used to identify a source(s) of information; giving credit to other researchers and acknowledging their ideas is responsible scholarship. One condition of all CC licenses is attribution: when a source of information is reused, revised, and/or remixed, you must credit the creator. The attribution format typically will follow: Title, Author, Source, License. The acronym TASL, which stands for title, author, source, and license.

An attribution box

  • Footnotes are used to reference parts of the text using superscript numbers. Footnotes are placed at the end of a page.

Part of a text using a superscript number

The matching footnote placed at the end of the page





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John Jay College Social Justice Landmark Cases eReader Copyright © by John Jay College of Criminal Justice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.