7 The 35mm Film camera
- 35mm film camera types
- 35mm SLR Mechanical and Electronic cameras
- Identify the parts of a 35mm SLR camera
WHAT is a 35mm camera?
A camera is a light-tight box (camera body) that includes a lens and records an image onto light-sensitive material. The magic happens at the push of a button. Really, it’s that simple, however, the more you understand how and why that happens, the better your pictures will be. A 35mm camera is considered a small format camera using 35mm film.
The camera body
- Houses the film and protects it from being exposed to light while taking pictures
- Advances the film from frame to frame
- Contains a shutter that controls the amount of time light enters the camera
The lens
- Allows light to enter the camera
- Controls how much light gets in
- Focuses the image onto the film
Many 35mm cameras today have both automatic and manual functions, however, if you want to be the master of your photographs you will want to work in manual mode.
Digital and film cameras work on the same principle, which is to allow the correct amount of light onto light-sensitive material.
Both, digital and film photography require mechanisms to control the amount of light entering the camera, and a lens to focus the objects on a light-sensitive material.
Digital cameras use image sensors that consist of millions of light-sensitive receptors that record what is being seen through the lens onto a memory card, while analog cameras use film which is coated with sensitive-to-light silver halide crystals that react to light and record an image.

All cameras need:
- Light
- Light-tight box with the ability to let a controlled amount of light in
- Lens
There are different types of 35mm film cameras: SLR mechanical cameras, SLR electronic cameras, and Rangefinder cameras.

SLR cameras are bigger and louder (you hear a noticeable click when you snap the photo.) The viewfinder on an SLR sees exactly what the lens sees.
An SLR camera could be mechanical or electronic. A mechanical SLR camera works with springs and gears while an electronic SLR camera requires batteries and a computer chip to operate. It is a personal preference as to which one you will enjoy using.
A Rangefinder is a smaller and quieter camera, however, what you see through the viewfinder is not exactly what the lens sees, and your picture will look slightly different from what you saw through the viewfinder.
Both types, SLR or Rangefinder, are excellent cameras.
All manufacturers have unique designs for their cameras, which is why you will need to download the specific manual for your camera. Be sure to search for the brand and model of your camera.
Dilish Parekh of Mumbai, India, works as a photojournalist but has been collecting antique cameras since 1977. He has a collection of 4,425 worth about $80,00.00
Check out his collection on the above link
Use the illustrations below to find these camera parts on your camera…..How many did you find?
For mechanical 35mm SLR cameras
- Shutter button
- Viewfinder
- Rewind release button
- Rewind lever
- Film advance lever
- Aperture ring/ f stop selection
- Shutter speed dial/settings
- ISO/ASA dial setting
- Flash shoe
- Shutter curtain
- Film cassette holder
- Pressure plate
- Film take-up spool
For electronic 35mm SLR cameras
- ISO setting
- Mode selector
- Aperture setting
- Shutter speed setting
- Light meter
- Autofocus switch
- Manual focus switch


Not every electronic camera will look exactly like this.
- To master the art of photography you need to know your camera inside and out.
- You must have the instruction manual for your camera handy. Save it on your phone!
camera is a light-tight box (camera body) that includes a lens and records an image onto light-sensitive material.
A sensor that detects and conveys information used to make an image by converting light waves into signals in digital photography
Film is a light-sensitive material (plastic base covered with light sensitive emulsion) that captures light when exposed to it, and leaves a negative or positive image. It is this recorded image which we call a photograph. Film comes in different types, and sizes.
SLR stands for Single Lens Reflex. The camera has only one lens (single) which forms the image to be recorded on the film and is shown through the view finder.
A type of camera with a focusing system using two superimposed images, split image. The image is out of focus when the images are separated and in focus when they come together.
A mechanical SLR camera works with springs and gears